I lost a few days to this easy! Love that its about building and not about war strategy. And its challenging to figure out all the recipies for building things. I really hope they keep adding as Ive almost exhausted the list. Highly recommended! Heres my feedback: Still a little buggy, sometimes inventory items disappear, seems to happen when in game notifications pop up. And it crashes from time to time. It also took me a really long time to figure out how to make a market or tavern, and even longer to figure out that you need to put items up for sale so they generate income. The side drawer is annoying to keep opening and closing, would love a better ui for that, faster... Maybe toggle button in the lower left that is persistent that opens and closes it. Would also be nice if the map automatically centered to the character when the drawer poems and closes. Couldnt figure out how to make an iron stove, had to cheat and look it up online. Kept trying to make a workbench with a iron top.. In a similar way to the bar or sales counter.